Recipe 8: Your First Model

Often a customer (a boss, unit commander, or organization) wants AI for the sake of AI. Try to see past the hype (“build me some AI”) and look for the intention (“I need to predict X to add value to my organization”) so you can solve their problem. Instead of building a hand-crafted neural network or transfer-learning on the latest state-of-the-art model from Google or OpenAI, use the 80:20 rule. Get 80% of the results from 20% of the work by building a “stupid” baseline model.

Characteristics of a baseline model:

A few useful baselines to consider:

Choosing a model:

You’ve explored your data and know its ins and outs. You also have a strong understanding of what you’re using data science to discover. Armed with this information, you should have a general idea of what you can and should do with your data. Below we’ll outline a couple common modeling options (ordered in terms of complexity/interpretability). For more detailed descriptions check out this article.

Scikit Learn Choosing Estimator
Choosing an estimator for your problem. Source

Types of Machine learning models:

Machine learning is an every-growing field, so there are many different types of learning, each with its own techniques and problems. Check out this article for a more comprehensive list of learning types. Here, we present three main types of learning problems: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

Supervised Learning Models:

This is when you want to learn a mapping between inputs and outputs, using labled data.

Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques:

This is when you don’t have labled data and want to extract relationships from the data.

Reinforcement Learning:

This is when you have an agent that interacts with an evnironment and learns via feedback from that environment.

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